THINK Blogging to be Number One Resource


A lot of blogs and websites are having great designs, some great contents and getting some amount of visitors on daily basis.

The problem is that those blogs and websites only attract visitors who are passerby that are not reading and understanding what their blogs or websites are about.

This is the problem that is faced by a lot of blogs and websites. Most blogs and websites become destination but not the best resources for the topics people are searching for on the web.

I keep on thinking how to make our blogs and websites the number #1 resources on the web. I look around on the internet and finally I managed to make a conclusion why some blogs and websites become number #1 resources to a lot of people online – it is the information they share on their sites.

Communicating with Readers

Why some articles are getting so much page views and comments but some are not getting views and no comment? In my quest to learn more about the problem, I found other things about websites especially the articles on sites.

Most people are writing for the sake of sharing information without thinking about how their articles will communicate with their readers.

I read a lot of great blogs. I found that those top blogs are not writing articles just to share information but they are writing articles like they are talking to the readers.

This is the feeling I get when I was reading their articles. When I was reading their articles, I felt like they are talking to me and the feeling was like watching a video with the bloggers teaching the topics. This the feeling that makes people keeps on going to their site to read more articles.

Everyone can write on the same topics and sharing the same information but it is the way of writing and conveying the information that makes a big difference.

I would say it is the way they write the articles that are making the big difference and make their blog/site standout among other blogs/sites.

Keep Your Website Safe

Aside from writing great articles that communicate with your readers, another important aspect to consider is keeping your website safe and secure.

In this age of technology, cyber threats are becoming more prevalent and websites are often targeted by hackers. It’s crucial to regularly update security measures on your site to protect both yourself and your readers’ data.

This includes using strong passwords, implementing two-factor authentication, and installing security plugins or software. Regularly backing up your website can also help in case of an attack or technical issue.

Be Useful

The next important thing that I noticed about blogs/sites that are popular is that they are all very useful to the readers.

Readers get what they are looking for and they learn new things from those top blogs/sites. In fact, every article on those top sites is very useful that we will bookmark them to read again when we need it again.

Some of their secrets of writing highly useful and powerful articles are writing articles that can solve readers’ problems.

  • How-to articles
  • Guide-to articles
  • Advice articles
  • Personal experience articles

All these are the most effective topics to write about and all these will get a lot of people reading it. Personally, I find that writing how-to articles are not easy but it can get a lot of views.

If you aim to make money blogging, it is good to write articles specially targeted for certain keywords and writing articles about personal experience by including the keywords can also help in make money blogging.

So, it is always wise to write a blog that is useful for blog visitors. Some bloggers advice us not to write all the things in one article but try to spread the information into several pieces of articles so that your article do not get too lengthy.

But for me, I prefer to do it the opposite way that is to write long articles with a lot of information. I personally find that top bloggers are also writing highly informative and lengthy articles.

So, make sure every article you write on your blogs or sites are useful for people who are reading it. Try to make your blog as useful as possible because it is the only way to give long lasting impression to people reading your articles.

 Check What People Want To Read

Often times, we have problems to think about a topic to write. I also have the same problem and I also find it difficult to find new topics to write. So, I found some solutions to help me find new topics to write online.

Google Trend

Google Trend is a tool created by Google to help us compare among 5 different topics we like. We can compare among 5 different keywords using Google Trend and see the performance based on different region. I found this tool very useful and powerful because I can know what people are looking for and what are the trending topics. Visit Google Trend to try it.

YouTube Keywords Tool

YouTube is possibly the largest traffic video site on the Internet. YouTube has over 2 billion videos views daily. With that amount of traffic, we can actually use the statistics to learn about the videos that people want to view on YouTube.

2,000,000,000 Views Per Day

If you do not know what 2 billion is, look at the number above. That is a large number of visitors going to YouTube on daily basis. Some of you reading this article might be using YouTube to drive traffic to your site.

It is good for us to know what the things users are looking for on YouTube are. You can try to use the YouTube Keyword Tools to check the amount of searches based on keywords.

By using these tools, I can find new ideas to write new article and make sure my articles are unique not copy and edit from other sites. It is very useful to check what people are looking for and provide the information people are looking for.


So, think carefully and do proper research before writing an article so that the article can serve your audience well. Strive to become the number #1 resources for your niche not a destination.

Well, I do not say that all my articles are of the best but I am trying my best to provide the best information. So, that is it, be the best and become number #1 resource in our niche.

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