How to Encourage a Happy Workplace

Studies show that Britain’s workforce isn’t happy. London School of Business and Finance’s (LSBF) recent research found that one in five of us are actively looking for a new job, while nearly half are unhappy in their current role – a frightening stat for UK industries.
Millennials are the unhappiest, with 66% stating they would like to change jobs. However, the data shows that there isn’t a rush in people looking to change career paths. Many believe that such a drastic change could provide financial instability – something they aren’t prepared to risk.
So, how can you prevent your workforce becoming disillusioned? A happy employee has a higher productivity level, so It’s in both of your interests to make your work life more fulfilling.
Create a positive co-worker culture
Open-plan offices are all the rage amongst tech start-ups and millennials — and theirs is a good reason for that. Communication is key in the workplace as it can help the spirit of cooperation between colleagues, which leads to an increase of happiness (which then leads to more productivity.) Harvard researchers Phil Stone and Tal Ben-Shahar found that students who had social support at school and at home were happier and better at dealing with stress. Carrying this kind of support into the workplace sets strong foundations for an increase in overall happiness.
Staff nights out are a great way to help increase morale by letting employees unwind from their busy schedule. You should also have team meetings that work towards an innovation strategy. Let your staff be involved in new ideas and you’ll provide them a sense of worth and importance. As a manager, you should be budgeting for these kind of activities, as you’ll be repaid in increased productivity. As an employee, do anything you can to get involved. Even if your workplace doesn’t provide much for your team, you can set up your own internal sweepstakes or fantasy sport leagues to help boost happiness and keep things on track.
Learn new skills
If you’re an employee and believe that additional training will benefit your workplace, don’t be afraid to approach your employer and ask for it. The worst they can say is no, but most are likely to be receptive to the idea. Not only can it lead to you picking up new skills and feeling more valuable, it is also beneficial for the business. According to a report by Andries De Grip and Jan Sauermann in 2011, training increased staff productivity by nine per cent.
If you’re a manager who is keen to increase the output of your staff alongside their satisfaction, you should think about taking part in the wide range of training courses that are available. By learning some new key skills, you may find out how to keep your staff happier, which will increase your retention rate.
Touch base regularly with your staff/manager
Many of us struggle in silence, but this can cause major problems in the long run. Whether you’re an employee or a manager, regularly consulting with each other is a great way to ensure projects keep moving and helps avoid any kind of anxiety about unclear instructions. Creating an atmosphere of friendly cooperation is conducive to a good working relationship.
It’s key to remember that a happy employee is a productive one, so make happiness your priority and your working environment will reap the reward.