102 Blogging Tips (What I Have Learned Until Now)


I have started blogging  for fun in June 2010, just with Blogger and with Zero knowledge.

I built my first WordPress Blog around September 2010, but it is only since few months ago that I started to “understand something” about blogging.

My main job is related to Import/Export : so for now, blogging is a part-time hobby (even if since few months I started to make some money online, for Real :  principally with Advertising).

This is a list of what I have learned until now about Blogging.

I hope some points of this list may help you.


  1. Decide a Topic that you are passionate about
  2. Decide your Keywords
  3. Choose your Niche (with low competition, if it possible)
  4. Purchase a good and easy to remember Domain Name (use  GoDaddy)
  5. Choose a Dot Com domain ( more popular than others )
  6. Have an original site subtitle that people will remember
  7. Use WordPress ( see a guide here )
  8. Choose the right hosting provider ( use Hostpapa managed hosting )
  9. Change the theme of your blog ( use WooThemes )
  10. Make your blog “DoFollow” ( see how to do it here )
  11. Modify the structure of permalinks
  12. Use your keywords in Title and Tagline
  13. Create an XML sitemap
  14. Register your blog to Google Webmaster Tools
  15. Install Google Analytics
  16. Speed up your blog ( I use “W3 Total Cache” plugin )
  17. Resize images when you insert them in your content
  18. Create a Favicon that remember your Logo
  19. Update services of your ping list ( get a BIG ping list here )
  20. Backup your blog ( I use “WordPress Database Backup” plugin )
  21. Avoid SPAM comments ( I use Akismet + G.A.S.P. )
  22. Use RSS Feeds ( Subscribe to my RSS Feeds here ! )
  23. Low your Bounce Rate ( Use “WordPress Related Posts” plugin )
  24. Set up your 404 Error URL ( I use “Smart 404plugin )
  25. Use internal links to your post ( I use “SEO Smart Links” plugin )
  26. Adapt your blog to be Mobile ( I use “WPtouch” plugin )
  27. Use Comment Luv plugin
  28. Decide your consistency and stick with it
  29. Try to publish at least 2-3 posts a week
  30. Use spelling and grammar checks
  31. Read your posts before hit publish button
  32. Write High Quality Content ( TIP n. 1 )
  33. Write “Posts with Lists” ( like this one )
  34. Write articles with at least 500-600 words
  35. Use Trackbacks
  36. Answer to the comments of your blog
  37. Ask questions to your readers
  38. Let your visitors subscribe to comments(subscribe to comments here)
  39. Use E-mail Marketing ( use Aweber to manage your email subscribers )
  40. Use Widgets (as the “WordPress Popular Posts” plugin)
  41. Make an About Page with your description and a real picture of YOU
  42. Make a Contact Form
  43. Create an Advertise page in your blog
  44. Make a Privacy Policy page ( above all if you place ads )
  45. Build high quality Backlinks
  46. Use your Keywords in these backlinks
  47. Vary the anchor text in these backlinks
  48. Use your keywords in your content ( do not abuse )
  49. Use the titles h1, h2, h3 within your post
  50. Leave comments to other blogs
  51. Write constructive comments
  52. Build friends among bloggers of your niche
  53. Let your blog be Social ( I use “SexyBookmarks” -by Shareaholic )
  54. Use Twitter and tweet your posts
  55. Make a Facebook Fan Page about your blog
  56. Sign up to StumbleUpon and share your content ( huge traffic from it )
  57. Earn traffic with Digg
  58. Earn traffic with Reddit
  59. Share your content around the web ( see 100 sites to use here )
  60. Use Article Marketing (most popular :  EzineArticles)
  61. Participate in online forums
  62. Make a contest
  63. Use blog carnivals
  64. Use good tags (a correct amount)
  65. Be funny sometimes and use sense of humor
  66. Give away something, before ask ( get my FREE eBook here )
  67. Save some posts for when you will not have time to write
  68. Be personal, sharing something of YOU in your posts
  69. Do not Copy
  70. Write original content
  71. Report Source if you take inspiration from other blogs
  72. Read and visit other bloggers of your niche
  73. Learn from popular bloggers with a lot of experience
  74. Focus on write content that is timeless
  75. Write something useful for your readers
  76. Use at least one image in your posts
  77. Do not place too many ads in the same page
  78. Be passionate and patient, results may take some time to arrive
  79. Make your blog easy to navigate
  80. Make and publish PDF files (search engines can read them)
  81. Consider to convert your posts into Podcast ( use sites like Odiogo )
  82. Consider to make a “Video” of yourself as post
  83. Make Surveys
  84. Make a Call to Action at the end of your content
  85. Accept good Guest Posts of other bloggers ( submit a Guest Post here )
  86. Submit unique guest posts to blogs related to your niche
  87. When you are ready, monetize your blog
  88. Use Google Adsense ( tips to make more money with Adsense here )
  89. Monetize your blog with Infolinks ( a guide here )
  90. Monetize your blog with Text Links Ads ( sign up to TLA here )
  91. Sign up to Affiliate Programs ( CJ, Linkshare, etc)
  92. Consider to get paid to write online ( some useful links here )
  93. Create your own product and sell it with Clickbank
  94. Advertise your blog for FREE ( subscribe to blog directories )
  95. Join Technorati and claim your blog
  96. Do not focus too much on your PageRank
  97. Follow these  tips to increase your Alexa ranking
  98. Learn about SEO
  99. Experiment new things
  100. Give a try to one of your crazy ideas
  101. Have FUN
  102. Use e-mail interviews with popular bloggers ( this will be my next post )

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